Solutions for you
we provide
System safety.
Resilient Systems Plus can help you to do well,
what you now do with difficulty.
And to do better, what you now do well.

Accentuate the positive, 5W1H things go well!
Intrinsic ability of a system to adjust its functioning prior to, during, or following change and disturbance, so that it can sustain required operations under both the expected and unexpected conditions.
Synesis is the condition where multiple activities work together to produce or deliver acceptable outcomes. The individual activities may be partly incongruous or conflicting, but any difficulties are overcome by Synesis of necessary activities.

FRAM is the strongest vessel in the world.
This remarkable vessel has advanced further north and further south than any other vessels ever.
RAG is the best steering wheel in the world.
This remarkable wheel has advanced better direction and better aim than any other wheels ever.

과학적 설명과 객관적 데이터만으로 인간의 주관적 판단을 평가하고 관리하는 것은 리스크 요인만 더욱 증가하므로, 나와 상대방의 입장을 올바르게 인식하고 공론화할 수 있는 각자의 커뮤니케이션 능력향상은 시스템 사회의 절대적 조건.
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Philosophy drives the idea,
Idea creates the tool.
Develop a new application
using Rayon-based carbon fiber, Silica and Glass fiber
Export & Import
consulting with Eastern Europe
System safety
R&D of ideas, models and tools for system safety
- resilientsystemsplus@gmail.com | hong@udorsp.com
- 40, Sogok-ro, Manan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea, 14089